Friday, June 3, 2016

It's Never Too Late for a First Impression

Hello, all.

It's the broken poet again with another (hopefully final) attempt at jumpstarting my personal blog.  I'll keep it short this time - I promise!

While I've always enjoyed sharing my thoughts with people - whether they want to hear them or not - I couldn't bring myself to try and be 'deep' all the time. I don't like faking it or forcing it, and I hate to have anyone who knows me think that is all I am.  So then I got to thinking: what is something that I can't help but do, even when I don't want to? The simple answer, of course, is writing.

From there it was really just a matter of setting things up.

Read, Write, Discuss.

No matter what I do, I'm almost always reaching for my phone at some point to jot down another random idea in my Google Keep notebook.  If you write or just need to take down a lot of notes, Keep is an awesome choice - especially if you have android.  OneNote is pretty good too, along with a few others, but Keep is just so accessible from everything that I use, so it has stuck with me as my go to app when jotting things down.

Thanks to this realization, I thought it would be awesome to use my blog to share some of my written work based on random late-night thoughts or writing prompts that I find online.  Hell, I'll even write stuff based on other people's suggestions, if the topic hits the spot. So that's what I'm going to do here from now on: share with you my unfiltered, unedited works and see what happens.  Not everything - nor, possibly, anything - that gets posted here will be a true gem.  That's an unfortunate truth as a writer: you won't always get it right.  However, I can promise one thing:

Everything I post here is authentically ME.

If I do happen to reference other works, either as prompts or simply as references, I will cite them accordingly and provide links where applicable.  Otherwise, everything I write is mine, and I expect you to respect that and understand that nothing here is allowed to be taken or repurposed without the express consent of yours truly.  I would love for you to share this blog with your friends or associates - anyone who might enjoy reading some random fiction and discussing potential improvements, edits, etc.  But please, respect a writer's right to his own unique work.

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say - and if all remains quiet on the writer's front, well I'll just have to keep trudging along, won't I?

This is me, as I was always meant to be - I hope you enjoy the show!

--Christopher R. Severus Perry

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