Sunday, November 1, 2015

An Introduction: Thoughts on The Way We Name Things

Source: Tardisio

For months, I’ve been debating about what the subject of my first post ought to be.  I’ve been reading and rereading everything that I’ve written, I’ve deleted and scrapped opening and transitioning sentences, and put more work into crafting a blog post than I almost ever felt I had to do in my 6 years as an English Major.  It took me until quite recently to really put my finger on the source of all this anguish – all of this self-imposed discomfort:

I wanted people to like me.

That is the simple truth of the matter, one that I am only too willing to share.  I wanted people to like me, which is a feeling I have not had in years.  Not since my time at Franklin Academy High School, in fact.  A time where I was the quiet, bookish kid in the back of the class, lashing out at teachers and walking the length of my town and the ones next to it just to get away – a time where I would have done anything to find someone to identify with. 

Which, when all was said and done, I did. 

That’s not really the point, however.  The point is that I sat here, staring at the cold blue light of my monitor for weeks on end, reading the paragraphs above over and over again, trying to impress a bunch of faceless strangers who know less about me than most people who actually know my name.  That is, until I finally realized why:

Because people matter.